By default, AEM supports Assets that are smaller than 2 GB because of a file size limit. However, you can overwrite this limit by going into CRXDE Lite and creating a node under the /apps directory detailed in URL.
Is there any limit to upload an asset? It can be configured to 30 GB also. AEM doesnt define a size limit. What we need to ensure while changing the default behavior?
When we make this changes, ensure you take care of the time out limit on OSGi and Dispatcher idle time so that AEM keep listening the asset upload.
Also major point; consider the AEM's default asset processing, and hardware configurations while making this changes.
Recently I got an email from my AEM Admin about the indexing issue. The email had some content as shown below.
"WARN* [qtp1832135175-163] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.query.Cursors$TraversingCursor Traversed 10,000 nodes with filter Filter(query=select * from [nt:base] where foo = 'bar', path=*, property=[foo=[bar]]); consider creating an index "
Some times while working on AEM, we may face traversal warnings. The latest AEM doesn't index the nodes by default. So to ensure our content gets indexed well within AEM, we will have to create indexing nodes and get them indexed.
Below given steps to fix index issues
Use the Oak index generation tool - generate index definition.
Add the indexing under node oak:index.
Trigger the re-index.
When we find an issue with a query(traversal warning !), we can use below tool to analyze the query.
The indexing property becomes 'false' once the indexing has been completed.
Also, in the console we can go and validate it from index diagnosis tool > index manager http://[AEM URL]:[PORT]/libs/granite/operations/content/diagnosistools/indexManager.html
We can even use Synonym file to index the synonyms in AEM.
We can define multiple indexes together and trigger them parallel without any issues.
While working on AEM, some times we get package upload issue in some of the browsers .
There could be multiple reasons for this. Now a days companies are doing stringent checks when we try to upload anything via browser. We have faced issue of package upload on AEM during the remote work situations.
Below given an alternate option to upload packages in AEM using CURL command.
To open a support ticket in Adobe, you should have the relevant product assigned as an administrator.
Login to Admin console of Adobe and select the organization from drop down as shown.
Click on support tab. Once you land on this, you can see various options like a Support summary page which gives various options for creating an adobe ticket, start a chat or get the Adobe customer care number.
You have a lot more help topics linked from this page too.
To create a support ticket , click on 'Create Case'
Next step select whether it is a user and license related or using the experience cloud product issue.
And fill in the additional details to complete the request. Once the ticket has been raised Adobe team will contact back for more clarifications.
What are the available JDK versions with cloud manager?
Java versions installed are Oracle JDK 8u202 and 11.0.2.
Some times, when we deploy our code, people complaint java version is not matching (for e.g. we are using a JDK 11 specific API and this Java class is giving error in cloud manager) We will see how to set the relevant java version now.
How to update the Java version of project build environment in AEM As Cloud Manager
By default, projects are built using Java 8. Customers who want to use Java 11 in their projects can do this using the Apache Maven Toolchains Plugin.
In the pom.xml file, add a <plugin> entry that looks like this:
A few FAQs about AEM As Cloud Service build environment are given below
What is the OS used for AEM as CLoud service?
Build environment is Linux-based, derived from Ubuntu 18.04.
At present what is the maven version?
The installed maven is - Apache Maven 3.6.0 version.
Which java versions are supported by AEM as cloud service? Java versions installed are Oracle JDK 8u202 and 11.0.2.
Which repository is configured as part of Maven Build ? adobe-public
Any other tools or packages available in AEM As Cloud environment? unzip, bzip2, libpng, imagemagick, graphicsmagick
My code has some script with Python or ruby script and I need to trigger it as part of my code build. Is this possible?
For this we need an appropriate language interpreter installed. This can be done by calling the 'exec-maven-plugin' to invoke APT. See an example below,
People usually gets confused with various asset management tools from Adobe. Since each product has its relevancy, here we will try to compare those tools.
What is the difference between Brand Portal & Asset Share Commons?
Functionally, Brand Portal and Asset Share Commons both does similar things, provide assets stored in your AEM Assets to users without allowing them access to items that should be protected. These two tools options are simple in setup, configure so that the implementations are minimal.
Brand Portal(This one is Licensed by Adobe) has been described as a secure, cloud enabled service for on-demand asset distribution to internal teams, external partners, agencies, and resellers for marketing purpose. The customizations are very limited in case of Brand Portal.
Where in Asset Share Commons is a technical reference implementation(a reference for AEM developers when developing asset sharing functionality) of 'asset share' functionality built using Adobe Experience Manager best practices. The source code is available in Github project page(Non licensed and no warranty product). Since it is an open-source project, contributions and enhancements can be done on this.
What are all the difference between Dynamic media & Brand portal
Dynamic Media combines the power of asset management with rich media delivery ( create, adjust, brand, and deploy interactive viewers using the WYSIWYG Viewer Designer). Basically Dynamic Media is an evolution of Scene7 (Dynamic Media Classic). Scene7 was a stand alone product and Adobe bought scene7 and now it is re branding it to dynamic media by adding more features to it.
The feature list consists of:
Single user interface and platform for managing images and video, Seamless integration with Adobe Experience Manager, Innovative merchandising features, Powered by the robust and proven delivery platform.
Where in Brand portal(cloud-based SAAS offering) helps you easily acquire, control, and securely distribute approved creative assets to external parties and internal business users across devices. It helps improve the efficiency of asset sharing, accelerates the time-to-market for assets, and reduces the risk of non-compliance and unauthorized access. We can easily integrate Brand Portal with AEM.
Final Verdict
Dynamic media is for Collaboration and shared file sync with Adobe Creative Cloud applications, where in Brand portal/asset share commons is to share to external people. Both support asset operations and approval workflows. So chose the prouct after understanding the proper requirements.
Above diagram gives an overview on environment provisioning in AEM as cloud
Step 4: First List the organizations tagged aio cloudmanager:org:list
Step 5: Then select the Organization from above list aio cloudmanager:org:select [Your org id from above list]@AdobeOrg
Step 6: aio cloudmanager:list-programs
Step 7: Then set a program aio config:set cloudmanager_programid [Your prog id from above list]
Step 8: List all environments aio cloudmanager:list-environments
Now based on requirements, you can execute the commands. Some examples are given below,
To Download logs: aio cloudmanager:download-logs [env id] author aemerror 1
To list log options aio cloudmanager:environment:list-available-log-options [env id]
To list OSGi Environment varriables aio cloudmanager:list-environment-variables [env id]
To List Pipelines aio cloudmanager:program:list-pipelines
To list a specific pipeline status aio cloudmanager:pipeline:list-executions [pipeline id] OSGi Commands ----------- To Set OSGI parameters aio cloudmanager:set-environment-variables ENVIRONMENT_ID --variable MY_VAR1 "plaintext value" --secret MY_VAR2 "some secret value"
To List environment variables aio cloudmanager:list-environment-variables ENVIRONMENT_ID
To Delete any variables. aio cloudmanager:set-environment-variables ENVIRONMENT_ID --delete MY_VAR1 MY_VAR2