Friday, 7 April 2017

ClientContext in AEM

The Client Context holds dynamic user data. Content Targeting works based on Client Context. Various user aspects can be used to target specific people and this data comes from Client Context. Client Context data can be used for analytics and other usage in a page using Javascript. Touch UI uses Context Hub instead of Client Context.

Client Context works based on below aspects:

The session store: Holds the dynamic user data.
The Simulation UI: Which displays the user data and assists in simulating the user experience.
A javascript API: Page can interact with session stores.

In classic UI, selecting the icon opens the Client Context as shown.

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Simulation examples:

We can click on the user icon as shown below and select different types of users and test the user personalization in various pages.

Now click on preview select the user/ Persona and change for male and female.

Once male user is selected from PERSONA

Once female user is selected from PERSONA

ContextHub/Segments - Audience Creation

ContextHub/Segments - Audience Creation

ContextHub is a new form(Touch based) of Segments available in previous version of AEM. The ContextHub page provides information about the default and user created stores and UI modules that have been created, the client library folders that are loaded, and links to useful pages.

Click on below link to open your local ContextHub Audience Page in AEM 6.2

It provides grid/ list views.

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ContextHub 'Create' provides 2 options

  1. Create Target Audience: Helps to configure the Target Audience by selecting the Target Configuration, which is already configured.
  2. Create Context Hub Segment: A section where we can add new segments and update existing ones.

Below screen lists the segments available.

Once you click on Create Context Hub Segment, below screen appears
Enter the segment title and boost value if it has to be boosted on evaluation

Once Context Hub Segment is created, select the newly created one and edit it

Now click on the + Icon and Insert New Component,  select 'Container AND'

Again click on the newly added container AND and select 'Comparison: Property - Property'

Now the container appears as below with property null.

Now edit the property as below , so that the newly added Context Hub Segment becomes a 'male' test based on profile.

Once we select the user/persona as shown below the Segment satisfy the condition

If persona is selected as female the condition becomes un-satisfied.

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Monday, 27 March 2017

Upgrading Previous versions of CQ/AEM to AEM 6.2

Notes on Upgrading to AEM 6.2

We worry a lot when we get a request from client to Upgrade AEM from older version to AEM 6.2. Let us see some important things to be taken care while doing this activity.
Basically we go with product upgrades for two reason. Firstly the support for old versions gets expired. secondly, there are lots of new features and security upgrades in newer versions. AEM upgrade activities should include implementation, regression, full testing, downtime, go-live and production operations etc.

Adobe recommends In place upgrade method for upgrading to AEM Latest versions. This is one of the most tested method whith in Adobe. There are many individual tasks that are performed during an in-place upgrade. Also AEM 6.2  requires JRE 1.7.x (64bit) or later.

Upgrade Steps in High Level

  • Analysis
  • Planning
  • Preparation
  • Execution
  • Post Upgrade Activities

AEM upgrade has two steps basically.
1)Upgrading the repository. (Using crx2oak tool)
2)Upgrading AEM to 6.2.
Note: For AEM 6.1 to 6.2 upgrade, we don't have to do step (1) since we already have OAK(CRX3).

Version dependencies:
AEM versions 5.4 to AEM 6.1 can be directly upgraded to 6.2.
AEM 5.3 and below versions needs to upgrade first to version 5.4 or above, then to AEM 6.2.
AEM 6.1 to 6.2 upgrade can be carried out by just upgrading AEM(Not repository), In all other versions we need to upgrade the repository.

Some precautions. 

If your code is well maintained, and components are granular, you are safe. Ensure the infrastructure team is fully understood the architectural changes. Another success factor is you testing the upgrade activities minimum 3 times in development machines, to ensure all integration, third party APIS work perfectly.

Upgrade Steps:

Preparing the source instance: Here we are ensuring our environment is ready for upgrade.

  •     Create a full backup - Take a backup of content and any custom codes
  •     Cleanup any content -  remove unwanted content, packages, workflows
  •     Consistency and Traversal Checks - Validate system checks using Adobe tools
  •     Run a test suite - Ensure you have a test suite with all  functionality checking
  •     Disable custom authentication mechanisms - Disable any hooks related to authentications.
  •     upgrade customization - Upgrade your customs codes to reflect new APIs, removing deprecated ones.
  •     Stop the instance 
  •     Archive then delete the log files - Delete all old log files.

Content Repository Migration : Migrate the repository to Apache Oak Using crx2oak tool.

AEM Upgrade: Start the AEM 6.2 quickstart jar with the appropriate run modes (author, publish)

Post Upgrade : 

  • Verify the upgrade.log and error.log for any issues.
  • Ensure the home page is loading fine.
  • Run the same test suite which you ran before upgrade and ensure things are normal.
Related Posts:

Current scenarios: At present teams are upgrading various cq/aem versions as below.
CQ 5.3 to AEM 6.2
CQ 5.4 to AEM 6.2
CQ 5.5 to AEM 6.2
CQ 5.6 to AEM 6.2
CQ 5.6.1 to AEM 6.2
AEM 6.0 to AEM 6.2
AEM 61. to AEM 6.2

Thursday, 9 March 2017

AEM: Adobe Analytics integration with Adobe Campaign

Basically Analytics integration for AEM website and mobile app procedure remains same. Below given mobile app procedures.

Adobe campaign: 

Adobe Campaign lets you design and orchestrate targeted and personalized campaigns on multiple channels, such as e-mail, direct mail, SMS, Wap Push, search, social etc.

Adobe Analytics: 

Analytics service provide various levels of views like visitor geo-location, what days they come the most frequently, and how long they’re staying as well as several metrics based on e-commerce data, CRM attributes, engagement, etc

Adobe Analytics data can be used to create effective Adobe campaign across channels. Adobe Analytics & Campaign Combined Together can delver following capabilities.

  • Performance measurement in real time
  • 360-degree qualification and targeting
  • Highly personalized re-marketing

Campaign to Mobile App

The Mobile App Channel lets you use the Adobe Campaign platform to send personalized notifications to iOS and Android terminals via apps. Basically there are two delivery channels available:

  • An iOS channel
  • An Android channel
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There are ways to optout it. The NMAC opt-out management (mobileAppOptOutMgt) workflow updates notification unsubscriptions on mobile devices.

Adobe Campaign is compatible with both binary and HTTP/2 APNS.

To use the functionalities of the Adobe Campaign Mobile App Channel, you need to change/adapt your mobile application to integrate it into the Adobe Campaign platform using Two SDKs (one for android , other for iOS)

How Campaign Collects Data
Action, Event activities support below data collection methods.

1) The Data loading- RDBMS: The Data loading (RDBMS) activity lets you access this external database directly and to collect only the data required for targeting.

2) The Loading- SOAP: The Loading (SOAP) activity is used in addition to the data loading (RDBMS) activity when it is not possible to collect data directly via the FDA in an external database.

3) Data loading (file): The Load (File) activity lets you directly access a source of external data and use it in Adobe Campaign. A scheduler can be run to retrieve the file.

Campaign set up procedure steps are given below. 

Configure connectors
Collecting information (collect the technical specifications which define the set of parameters that enable Adobe Campaign and the mobile application to communicate, like integration key, variables, urls etc)

Creating the service
Adobe Campaign administrator needs to create and configure a service linked to the mobile application

Push Notification services.
APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) for Apple
GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) for Android

Adobe Campaign uses two types of APIs:
•    Generic data access APIs for querying the data model data
•    Business specific APIs that let you act on each object: deliveries, workflows, subscriptions, etc.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Sample WCMUse Java File for AEM

The VehicleService.Java WCMUse class below, build and deploy it using maven to your AEM.

    package com.aem;

    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUse;

    public class VehicleService extends WCMUse {
        private Map<String, String> map;

        public void activate() throws Exception {
            SlingHttpServletRequest request = getRequest();
            Page currentPage = getCurrentPage();
            createVehicleDetails(request, currentPage);

         * This will Create vehicle map
         * @return
    private void createVehicleDetails(SlingHttpServletRequest request, Page currentPage) {
        map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map.put("name", "NewVehicle");
        map.put("price", "1000");    

         * This will return vehicle
         * @return vehicle map
        public Map<String,String> getVehicleDetails() {
            return map;

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Integrating the AngularJS Framework into AEM HTL

Integrating the AngularJS Framework into AEM HTL(Sightly) with working example.

I have seen many webpages with similar topic, but complex while we try to replicate it in our local environment. Some times they dont work or quite tough to make it work. Here I am going to take you through an easy Angular JS integration with Sightly.

Note: Please ensure you verify the angular syntax using any online tool when you update the code, because angular is strict on syntax.

What is angular JS?
Angular JS is a JavaScript library that simplifies the creation of powerful components, by extending HTML vocabulary for your application.

Why Angular JS with AEM HTL?
Angular JS is the current trend. When we need to declare dynamic views in web applications to make it extra ordinary powerful, we need Angular JS.

What is the aim of this sample?
Through this demo, you will know how to create a simple angular JS Component which performs below tasks,

  1.  - Takes user iput and diplay through angular JS tags
  2.  - Takes user click and show an element using angular JS
  3.  - User click invokes a backend WCMUse Java file and displays the data through HTL + Angular JS

Steps involved in developing AEM + Angular + HTL Component.

Create a template
    Create a new template as shown below at /apps/htl/templates

Create a folder 'page' at /apps/htl/components
Create a new component at /apps/htl/components/page as shown below

Update the 'templateHTL.jsp' file content at /apps/htl/components/page/templateHTL/templateHTL.jsp with below code.
    <%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp" %>
    <cq:include script="/libs/wcm/core/components/init/init.jsp"/>
    <h1>Here is your Angular HTL Component</h1>
    <cq:include path="par" resourceType="foundation/components/parsys" />

Create and render component that uses the template
    Create a component as shown below


Go to path /apps/htl/components/angular/angular.html and modify the 'angular.html' with below code
     <div ng-app>
            <p>Enter a value: <input type="text" ng-model="name">
            <p ng-bind="name"></p>
             <div ng-view></div>
            <ul class="menu">
                <li><a ng-click="currentTpl1='/tpl1.html'">Template Load example</a>
                <li><a ng-click="currentTpl1='/tpl2.html'">Show the list of cars</a>
           <div ng-view></div>
            <div id="tpl-content"> <ng-include src="currentTpl1"> </ng-include> </div>
            <script type="text/ng-template" id="/tpl1.html">
                <p> First name: <input type="text" ng-model="firstname"/>
                    Last name: <input type="text" ng-model="lastname"/>
                    <p>First name:<p ng-bind="firstname"></p>
                    <p>Last name:<p ng-bind="lastname"></p>
            <script type="text/ng-template" id="/tpl2.html"  data-sly-include="template.html">

            </script >
Create a 'template.html' at path /apps/htl/components/angular

    <div data-sly-use.vehicleService="com.aem.VehicleService" >
      <div data-sly-use.myClass="com.aem.VehicleService" data-sly-unwrap>
        <ul data-sly-list.keyName="${myClass.getVehicleDetails}">

Create a dialog (create dialog option) at path /apps/htl/components/angular with label 'dialog'

Client Library Creation for AngularJS framework
  •     Create a folder 'clientlibs' at /apps/htl/components/angular and Add below two properties to it.
    (name:categories,    Type:String[],     value:cq.widget)
    (name:dependencies, Type:String[],     value:angularjs)

  •     Download the latest 'angular.min.js' from angular JS Site
  •     Create a file 'angular.min.js' in folder /apps/htl/components/angular/clientlibs; copy paste the downloaded angular.min.js content to this file.
  •   Now you have angular JS at your crx in location /apps/htl/components/angular/clientlibs/angular.min.js
  •     Create a new file js.txt at /apps/htl/components/angular/clientlibs; open the file 'js.txt' and paste 'angular.min.js' (without quotes) and save it.
  •     Now you have a new client library for angular JS. 
  •     Add this in your page , open file /apps/htl/components/page/templateHTL/templateHTL.jsp andadd new client library to it by adding line
    <cq:includeClientLib categories="cq.widgets" />

The Folder Structure Now

Create a WCMUse class for data.
    We are creating a map with set of vehicles and populating it using HTL.

    The VehicleService.Java WCMUse class below, build and deploy it using maven to your AEM.

Please find the WCMUse class here. VehicleService.JAVA

Create a page that uses AngularJS functionality; Code execution

    Open site admin and create a page with template 'templateHTL'. Open it in edit mode.
    Drag and drop the 'angular' component to the newly created page.

    Once you re load the page and start entering anything at 'Enter a Value', you can see the inline option working through angular.

    Code executed:  <p ng-bind="name"></p>

    When you click on 'Template Load example', you can see the new templates on bottom.

    Code executed:

    'On Click' is added at line,
    <li><a ng-click="currentTpl1='/tpl1.html'">Template Load example</a>

    A template place holder is at line,
    <div id="tpl-content"> <ng-include src="currentTpl1"> </ng-include> </div>

    Script executed when the teplate got clicked,

     <script type="text/ng-template" id="/tpl1.html">
                <p> First name: <input type="text" ng-model="firstname"/>
                    Last name: <input type="text" ng-model="lastname"/>
                    <p>First name:<p ng-bind="firstname"></p>
                    <p>Last name:<p ng-bind="lastname"></p>
     You can also see, on entering first name and second name, again inline in action.

     When you clicked on 'Show the list of cars'
     We have the Data coming from WCMUse class now as shown below.

     Code executed
     'On Click' is added at line,
     <li><a ng-click="currentTpl1='/tpl2.html'">Show the list of cars</a>
     A template place holder is at line,
     <div id="tpl-content"> <ng-include src="currentTpl1"> </ng-include> </div>
     Which in turn calls the script for template selection from
     <script type="text/ng-template" id="/tpl2.html"  data-sly-include="template.html">

      </script >
     This executes the template.html at path /apps/htl/components/angular/template.html

     The template.html executes the WCMUse class and process the data from below code.
    <div data-sly-use.vehicleService="com.aem.VehicleService" >
      <div data-sly-use.myClass="com.aem.VehicleService" data-sly-unwrap>
        <ul data-sly-list.keyName="${myClass.getVehicleDetails}">

Want the code package?
    Please let me know through e-mail if you need the package.

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Friday, 17 February 2017

New Features Adobe Experience Manager(AEM) 6.2

New Features Adobe Experience Manager(AEM) 6.2

VERSION: 6.2, Released on APRIL 21, 2016
Product URL:

AEM 6.2 comes with many changes and improvements including forms. AEM 6.2 Forms includes several new features and enhancements that further streamline and enhance creation, publishing, and working with forms, documents, and correspondences.

User Interface Improvements
AEM 6.2 ships with a new user interface that sets up the main modules as a drop down navigation
list. The interface still leverages Coral UI and for the most part, the detailed sections of each module are untouched. A new search box has come up on the top right corner to search also quick access to other solutions in the Marketing Cloud. The product navigation has moved from the side rail to an overlay.

AEM Mobile Apps
The Adobe Digital Publishing Suite and Adobe Phone Gap have been bridged to provide a seamless experience to customers to manage their mobile apps across multiple operating devices. A new dashboard is provided where in we can see all details of mobile applications. The key feature of this new tool allows customers to deploy native applications and leverage the power of Phone Gap to provide native APIs along with the power of DPS to create, manage and publish the content, once synched.

AEM Smart Tags
AEM 6.2 released a Beta functionality called 'Smart Tags' which allows for the system to automatically tag and discover digital assets. It can also be setup to bulk tag assets that are already in the system.

Search  Enhancements
Search enables navigating within the product and search all areas of the product. Prior to 6.2, Adobe
had invested in search capabilities with integrations to SOLR as well as a faceted search user interface in 6.0 and 6.1, but the comprehensive search capabilities provided in 6.2 will surely be most preferred by customers.

Content Fragments
Content creators can now use the power of assets and its referencing capabilities across multiple devices along with variations. The new content fragment section allows content fragments metadata to be created the same way how an asset metadata schema can be created using the Schema Editor.

Template Editor
AEM 6.2 provides set of built in templates. This helps authors to create templates immediately with a set of templates and components developed already. The core features allow content authors to insert components along with initial sets of content to create a structure for it to be leveraged to create pages under Sites. This also provides a user interface for content authors to leverage the Design view of the editor to preview what the template would like on other devices such as ipad and mobile

Asset insights
Assets Insights is a new and interesting feature in AEM 6.2 that allows assets usage to be tracked
across various channels such as websites, email campaigns, mobile devices, etc. Adobe Analytics enables the tracking functionality. The statistics that can be captured are items such as what assets have been downloaded, clicked on, conversion rates and other digital marketing trends, which helps the atuthor to add meta data more effectively.

Areas, Targeting
AEM 6.2 introduces Areas which leverages the power of AEM Multi site Manager. Effectively targeted content and personalization is possible through this. Areas provides a way to manage these personalized content in the same way content is managed for sites across multiple languages and locales. More localized targeting, which allows content authors globally to set up campaigns and also break inheritance if required as in normal hierarchy at specific page levels for local content.

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