Apache sling
Content centric application based on content
repository to store & manage content. REST based and supports OSGi bundles.
Sling finds the resources via url
>>> read more at: http://sling.apache.org/documentation/the-sling-engine/url-decomposition.html
general uri can be decomposed as below.
URI -resource
path -selectors -extensions -suffix path
/a/b.s1.s2.html/c/d.s.txt /a/b s1.s2 html /c/d.s.txt
Now let
us see some real examples:
Eg1 :
Here,Resource Path /content/demos
selector = null
extension = html
Resource path resolution: It uses the given
If no selectors given then below approach
used to find the resource.
1) Is there any html /JSP under the directory?
2) is there any node name matching the JSP
3) is there any method JSP files?
If nothing above matches,
4) Then it checks for sling property and path
Note: Whatever may be the
resource look up level, when look up resource happens, always the search starts
from our base project path directories.
Looking order of folders reach back to app>
Eg 2: uri: content/demo.print.html
RP= /content/demo
selector print
It goes to relevant node, then gets resource
path's path property then fetches result.
Read More:
Solr and AEM
JSON for Solr
Search Persistance
Navigation in AEM
Website design steps in AEM
Components & Inheritance
Components can inherit properties, scripts,
dialogs and other objects from base components.
All built in components available at
/libs/foundation/components.CQ uses single inheritance, where there can only be
a single super type for each component.
Inheritance in CQ is done by 'sling:resourceSuperType' attribute.
in Real time projects
Base comp will always inherit page component
base.jsp will hold
header.jsp,footer.jsp,content.jsp etc.